chip away at the three nonnuclear principlesの例文
three nonnuclear principles
The bedrock of Japanese policy has long been the government's " three nonnuclear principles " : Japan will not manufacture, possess or allow nuclear weapons onto its territory.

barter away principles
We will never barter away principles

never barter away principles
We will never barter away principles

chip away
-- It chips away at the parent-child bond. The idea was to chip away at the edifice of leadership. Meanwhile, the company continues to chip away at its problems. But Republican leaders wer......

chip away at
-- It chips away at the parent-child bond. The idea was to chip away at the edifice of leadership. Meanwhile, the company continues to chip away at its problems. But Republican leaders wer......

chip away the stone
The stand-alone single " Chip Away the Stone " was also released in 1978 and charted at number 77. The B-side of some versions of " Draw the Line ", " Chip Away the Stone ", was not on the......

three principles
There were three principles in van den Bergh's proposals. The three principles endure the brunt of Hogarth's satire. Vinay Gupta has suggested that those developers agree to three principl......

three principles of nuclear export
Three principles of nuclear export

three principles of the people
For more examples, see Three Principles of the People. As a special branch of government under the Three Principles of the People. Military and political classes on the Kuomintang's Three ......

three principles of washington
Three principles of washington

three chip
Final bets 7, 8 and 9 cost three chips. All three chips ran at 500Mhz which provided a small performance increase. Inkster and Pepper combined with three chip-ins to win their match. Five ......

three chip design
The chipset consisted of three chip designs : the COMANCHE B-cache and memory controller, the DECADE data slice, and the EPIC PCI controller.

three three three
When I ordered it at Three Three Three in Shoreditch, where many young artists live, the bartender made sure I knew it was expensive before she poured.

home after three months away
Although " Home After Three Months Away " is really about Lowell's struggle to recover from a mental breakdown, the narrative of the poem focuses on his relationship with his daughter, Har......

three of the hostages got away
Three of the hostages got away Three of the hostages got away

three things soon pass away
Three things soon pass away ; the echo of the woods , the rainbow , and woman ' s beauty

chip chip
The call is a chittering " chip cheree chip chip ". Like A Prayer finished second, Chip Chip Hooray third and Kadabra was fourth. Sylvester revealed that he had made several changes after ......

He says nonnuclear methods are safer, quicker and less dangerous. The treaty not only commits nonnuclear countries to refrain from developing weapons. The nonnuclear countries didn't singl......

d-3w three dimension-three wire
D - 3w three dimension - three wire

the three living and the three dead
Along the top of the south wall of the church is a painting depicting the The Three Living and the Three Dead. There is no better illustration of this than in one of the most common folk t......

three are three
All three are three-fold manifestation of Divine Mother Parasakthi. Three are three intakes yearly, with the next one commencing on Aug 24. Three are three factors that influence this limi......

three at three
The British played field of four players, at three-quarters, and two half-backs, that contrasted with the Australian field of only one half-back, two at five-eighth, and three at three-qua......

three days and three nights
After three days and three nights, Ulilang Kaluluwa was slain by Bathala. "It went on for three days and three nights, " said Herta. It took three days and three nights to complete the pai......

three forty three
The boat is sister to the fireboat " Three Forty Three " which serves with Marine Company 1. In 2010, " John D . McKean " was retired and put in reserve status, after being replaced by a n......

three hearts and three lions
The story takes place thirty years after the events of " Three Hearts and Three Lions ". In " Three Hearts and Three Lions " ( Doubleday, 1961 ), he wrote of a modern-day engineer caught i......